I hereby appoint ISBA Recuitment Limited to act on my behalf in order to seek new/alternative employment. I am aware that ISBA Recruitment Limited is not the direct employer and is acting an employment agency. I confirm that all the information I have given is correct. I understand and agree that for as long as reasonably necessary for the purposes of providing me with employment opportunities and for other lawful purposes related to ISBA Recruitment Limited both in paper files and on ISBA Recruitment Limited’s computer system: -
I further understand and agree that ISBA Recruitment Limited may, to the extent that it is reasonably necessary in connection with ISBA Recruitment Limited’s recruitment services, obtain, keep, use, produce and transfer to other persons relevant sensitive personal data * about me for the following purposes:
I agree that ISBA Recruitment Limited may contact me by telephone, email, SMS/text message, post or any other appropriate form of communication for the purposes set out in this agreement.
I acknowledge that without my consent to process my personal data in this manner ISBA Recruitment Limited is unable to assist me in my search for work. I hereby confirm that my personal data may be held and disclosed by ISBA Recruitment Limited for the purposes and in the manner set out above.
* Relevant sensitive personal data is personal data consisting of information as to a person’s: racial or ethnic origin; religious beliefs or other beliefs of a similar nature; membership of a trade union; physical or mental health or condition; commission or alleged commission of any offence; or any proceeding for any offence committed or alleged to have been committed, the disposal of such proceedings or the sentence of any court in such proceedings.
Are you eligible to work in the UK? | / |
Please provide proof of eligibility to work in the UK in one of the following forms:-
Name | Signed | ||
Date | 28/03/2025 |
ISBA Recruitment Ltd. Privacy Policy & Personal Data Compliance (also available at: www.isbarecruitment.org.uk)
ISBA Recruitment Limited (ISBA Recruitment) takes the privacy of our clients and candidates very seriously. We are a recruitment company, providing recruitment services to independent schools looking to hire senior personnel, including Bursars and Business Managers. ISBA Recruitment therefore acts as a Data Controller.
How we receive information and how we may use it.
As a candidate, or potential candidate, ISBA Recruitment receives your personal data when you apply directly for an advertised role via our website; when you apply directly to be a candidate for whom we can facilitate a job search, via a third party when you respond to a job post placed by ISBA Recruitment on a job board on behalf of a third party client, and/or after we contact you directly as part of a search assignment.
As a client, or potential client, ISBA Recruitment receives your personal data necessary to communicate with you about an agreed recruitment programme or to keep in contact with you during the process, and/or where we feel you might benefit from the services of ISBA Recruitment.
The sources of where we collect your personal data will include:
This statement explains how we process personal data received into our organisation. When you make contact with ISBA Recruitment you MUST consent to us collecting and storing your personal information. You will not be able to submit your enquiry or details to ISBA Recruitment without consenting to us storing your personal data. This may include but is not restricted to your name; contact details; address; employment history; mobility and education.
During telephone conversations, video and face to face interviews we may collect personal information with regard to employment preferences, strengths and work experience which may be stored on your personal record. We may also require copies of formal documents such as a passport or driving licence to establish your eligibility to work in the United Kingdom.
This information facilitates our ability to support your job search and to provide a basis for recommendation when short-listing candidates for a particular role. By explicitly providing consent when you register with ISBA Recruitment you are providing permission for our storage of this information. ISBA Recruitment will never share personal information or a Curriculum Vitae with a third party without your explicit consent.
We process candidates’ personal data to match their skills and experience to clients’ requirements. If you are selected by our client to go forward to the next stage, we may collect more personal data from you if required. We may process this data to help secure your next role.
We process clients’ personal data to update them on the recruitment programme or to keep in touch to advise you of ISBA Recruitment’s services. We also use your data to contact you when we have a candidate who we believe may add value to your organisation.
Due to the nature of recruitment, a significant number of candidates and clients reconnect with our organisation periodically. It is not uncommon for this to occur years after we have placed them in a role, or acted for them previously. For this reason, your consent includes explicit consent to retain your personal details and data until such time as you wish us to delete your records from our database or refrain from further engagement.
If you do not consent to ISBA Recruitment storing your personal data or setting up a personal registration for you, please do not submit your Curriculum Vitae for any roles advertised on our, or other, website(s), as we are unable to process your application without receipt of consent to process and store your personal information.
Job Alerts and Career Advice
We may on occasion contact candidates stored in our database who are not actively looking for a new role. When you contact ISBA Recruitment you may be asked to consent to us storing the personal data you have provided. By providing consent to our storage of your personal data you are also providing consent to us contacting you if we receive details of a role which specifically matches your career aspirations and, very occasionally, sending you career related information e.g. salary survey, interview advice etc.
If you do not wish to receive such information, please email:
All correspondence should be for the attention of The GDPR Compliance Officer
Our Promise to our Candidates
We will never share our candidates’ personal details or Curriculum Vitae with a third party without the candidate’s explicit consent, and then we will only share the personal information with that one company or individual.
Contacting Recruitment Consultants directly
If you contact one of our Recruitment Consultants directly and request they consult with you regarding your job search, or regarding a particular job role, you are giving your consent to ISBA Recruitment processing your email and the data contained within your email for lawful purposes, as per the clauses above.
By sending an updated Curriculum Vitae directly to one of our Recruitment Consultants you are giving consent to ISBA Recruitment processing and storing that information, as per the clauses above. As previously stated, we will not share your information with any third party without your explicit consent.
Request to have personal data amended
It is likely that over time your employment history will require updating as you transition to new roles or receive promotion. ISBA Recruitment undertakes to update your registration details within two weeks of receiving an updated Curriculum Vitae.
Under the GDPR you have the right to ask for access to your personal information. Once ISBA Recruitment has verified your identity we will provide the information you requested within 30 days.
In the unlikely event you find personal data stored about you by ISBA Recruitment is inaccurate, you must advise us immediately. We will amend your personal registration within two weeks.
Request to have personal data removed or deleted
Upon receipt of a verified request to delete an individual’s personal registration, ISBA Recruitment will ensure that your personal record is deleted within 30 days.
Where ISBA Recruitment has placed a candidate in a role, they are required to retain evidence of that placing so that contractual obligations can be met by the client. ISBA Recruitment will however take steps to ensure only minimal personal data is retained and we will not make further contact with the candidate if requested.
Where ISBA Recruitment has previously received permission to share personal information with a third party, for example for short listing for a role, we undertake to advise that third party of your wish to be forgotten if communication has been in the last 12 months.
In the event that you wish to be erased from our Recruitment Database you should contact recruiting@theisba.org.uk stating that you wish your details to be erased from our database. Please make it clear that you wish to be erased, rather than simply marked as no longer job seeking.
Notification of Breaches
Whilst ISBA Recruitment does not store, or at any time request, sensitive financial information from candidates, we do store highly personal information contained within your Curriculum Vitae. We are aware of our responsibility as a recruiter to protect your information and to only share details with third parties upon receipt of your explicit consent. All of our systems are protected and only ISBA Recruitment staff and consultants working for ISBA Recruitment have access to the personal information stored in your registration.
In the unlikely event that our computer systems are compromised and there is a potential loss of confidentiality we will report this breach to you.
In the unlikely event that personal data is taken or exposed from ISBA Recruitment’s records without our consent, we will provide reports surrounding that exposure within 72 hours of being notified of such an event and take any action necessary to restore security of your personal data.
Access & Complaints Procedure
If ISBA Recruitment receives a request for access to personal information we will verify your identify before releasing your personal data to you. We will not release information to any third party without your prior consent.
If you would like to make a request for access to your personal information, or you have a complaint about the way your data is stored or handled by ISBA Recruitment, or you believe there may have been a breach of your data, then please contact our GDPR Compliance Officer via johnmurphie@theisba.org.uk
Alternatively you can contact us by writing to us at:
GDPR Compliance Officer, ISBA Recruitment Limited, Bluett House, Unit 11-12 Manor Farm, Cliddesden, Basingstoke, RG25 2JB.
Escalated Complaints
If you remain unhappy with the handling of your data you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
Changes to our Privacy Policy
This privacy policy may be changed by ISBA Recruitment at any time. Any changes to our Privacy Policy will be updated on our website. If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at: recruiting@theisba.org.uk